MediaWiki:Picture of the day

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The picture of the day is an image which is automatically updated each day with an image from Wikipedia:Featured pictures.


март 12 - Ср

None selected



  1. The picture must already be a featured picture. To nominate a picture for that honor see featured picture candidates.
  2. Featured images are currently selected in the roughly order they were promoted (i.e. a First In, First Out order). See the featured pictures candidates archive for this order. Exceptions are made for anniversaries of events, or for national holidays.
  3. Not all featured pictures will appear as POTD. Wikipedia:Picture of the day/Unused has a list of those that have been skipped.
See also: Guidelines for writing Picture of the day captions

Including the POTD on your user page

You can insert the image on your user page or talk page by adding the text {{Pic of the day}} (this version is shown above). It will be displayed in a box of no more than 600 pixels wide, and will include a small amount of text based on the article in which the image appears. A no-text version is also available via {{POTD}}.

It is also possible to create your own custom POTD layouts, in case the already-existing versions will not look good within your user page design. Mix and match the following components to make your own. This system will only work for Pictures of the day selected beginning January 1, 2007. Be sure to replace [date] with an appropriate date value. For a dynamically updating version, use {{#time:Y-m-d}} (example: {{POTD/{{#time:Y-m-d}}|image}}).

TemplateDescriptionRenders as
{{POTD/[date]|image}}The name of the image, without the Image: prefix.Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12
{{POTD/[date]|size}}The size of the image, without the trailing px.Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12
{{POTD/[date]|caption}}The image caption.Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12
{{POTD/[date]|title}}A link to the article the image represents.Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12
{{POTD/[date]|texttitle}}A linkless short caption, also useful as an alt attribute.Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12

There are two additional pre-defined layouts

It is also possible to permanently feature a POTD for a selected day. Just add a specific value for the date you want. For example, today's POTD is {{POTD/2025-03-12|image}}. Likewise, you can use date parameters with the other templates as well. If you like the pre-made formats, you can use date parameters there as well, like this: {{Pic of the day|date=2025-03-12}} or {{POTD|date=2025-03-12}}. Again, this system will only work for Pictures of the day selected beginning January 1, 2007.

As a Userbox

Code Result Users
[[Image:Шаблон:POTD/2025-03-12|43px]] This user enjoys the
Picture of The Day.¤

POTD thumb

When you want to display the POTD like an ordinary thumbnail, similar to {{POTD Commons}}, you can use {{POTD wikipedia}}. For instance, if you want a thumbnailed version, floated right, you can use : {{Template:POTD wikipedia|float=right|title=yes|thumb=yes}}.

Older Pictures of the day

If you want to permanently include a Picture of the day that was selected between November 1, 2004 and December 31, 2006, use the following: {{Wikipedia:Picture of the day/[month] [day], [year]}} or {{Wikipedia:POTD/[month] [day], [year]}}. For example, {{Wikipedia:Picture of the day/December 31, 2006}}.

PsOTD selected from May 2004 through October 2004 are only accessible in month-at-a-time archives and can only be placed on user pages by using standard image syntax.

Commons:Picture of the day

Information about inserting the Commons POTD on your user page or talk page can be found at Template:POTD commons.

Picture of the day archive
2004: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2005: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

2006: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2007: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2008: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2009: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December
2010: January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Today is среда, март 12, 2025; it is now 13:09 UTC

ar:ويكيبيديا:صورة اليوم

bs:Wikipedia:Slika dana es:Wikipedia:Imagen del día fr:Wikipédia:Image du jour gan:Wikipedia:箇日靚畫 xal:Wikipedia:Изображение дня os:Википеди:Боны ныв kk:Уикипедия:Тәулік суреті lbe:Википедия:Кьинилул сурат hu:Wikipédia:A nap képe ja:Wikipedia:今日の一枚 ps:ويکيپېډيا:د نن ورځې انځور tr:Vikipedi:Günün seçkin resmi ru:Википедия:Изображение дня sah:Бикипиидийэ:Күннээҕи ойуу sc:Wikipedia:Immàgines de sa chida uk:Вікіпедія:Зображення дня zh-classical:維基大典:每日圖繪 yo:Wikipedia:Picture of the day zh-yue:Wikipedia:是日靚畫 zh:Wikipedia:每日图片

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